

We are a 33-year-old nonprofit foundation that advocates using multimedia Web-based storytelling to incorporate legacy preservation into social studies instruction and helping small businesses succeed. The history of our nation is deeply tied to immigration. Ancestors of all Americans came here from diverse locations, so we all have immigrant roots. The actions, accomplishments and contributions recorded in these stories afford future generations knowledge, insight and inspiration. Legacy stories share these experiences and acknowledge that heritage and culture are rich aspects of personal and group identity. Moreover, by researching and writing legacy stories, students learn more about the ethnic and cultural groups that make up their community and the people and organizations that contribute to its well-being.

Legacy stories about ethnic and cultural group members are housed and listed alphabetically by their last name on our Web-based Heritage Honor Roll. These stories also appear on the Americans All home pages of our Legacy Partners. Legacy Partners are groups, businesses and organizations that honor and respect diversity in their membership and support our education mission. Included in the Heritage Honor Roll and home pages are legacy stories about immigrants who helped shape America and their descendants who continue to do so. These stories are sometimes shared in multiple languages and can be included in more than one Legacy Partner home page. And as a bonus, students helping your members create their legacy story receive a free legacy story for themselves and can earn service-learning credits.

For example, to learn about the contributions of Irish men and women, visit the Americans All Heritage Honor Roll and these Legacy Partner homepages:
         Irish Immigrants Who Helped Shape America  (
         Irish Americans' Contributions to Our Nation   (
         Irish American Political Leaders  (

         Irish Americans: Members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians  (
                Individual Boards and Divisions can have their own Legacy Partner home pages and stories on our Heritage Honor Roll.

Your members' unwritten legacy storieson themselves, their families and/or their ancestorsare part of your groups ethnic and cultural heritage and our nation's history. Encourage your members and their families to complete history's missing pages by creating their stories NOW!

Click here to see the benefits for Hibernians, AOH Districts and small business owners.

Click here to view our informative video.

Click here to view and download the support letters from AOH National and the 6-panel brochure.

Click here to see the academic and personal benefits for students helping members create a story.

Click here to see examples of our AOH stories from our Heritage Honor Roll that have been searched on Google.

Click here to view a membership video created by AOH Division 8, Long Island, NY.