Background Information on the Americans All—ABC Unified School
District Pilot Program
I wish to thank you for your invitation to participate in implementing Americans All*: A National Multicultural Education Program." I wholeheartedly accept your offer.
This opportunity is offered at an especially meaningful time for us. With an enrollment of students representing the most ethnically diverse population in the nation, ABC is a microcosm of the world. Of the 1989-90 pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade enrollment, 70% are diverse minority. The language minority student enrollment in the school system is 25%, a significant increase since 1980. Recently, a substantial number of students from Asia have moved into ABC Unified School District. Our other large population is Hispanic, representing several Spanish speaking countries.
Providing our students with an education that reflects in a positive way the contributions of America's diverse population is a great contemporary challenge. In an effort to meet this challenge, we have recently embarked upon an important examination of the multicultural content of our social studies curriculum. While our students are able to observe a wide range of cultural traditions and hear individuals converse in a multitude of languages, we find that our curriculum has not kept pace with the ethnic and cultural changes represented by our student population. The new California framework provides us with a perfect opportunity to address this issue.
Our goal is to promote an appreciation of the ethnic, cultural, racial and linguistic diversity among our students and the community and thereby promote the enhancement of self- esteem among students with regard to their own heritage. With this goal in mind, we have been seeking methods of providing our students with instructional experiences that incorporate the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural perspectives of the larger American society and the world and help students appreciate the role and contribution of immigrants to our country. We feel that your program will aid us in our efforts.
Larry L. Lucas, Ed.D. Superintendent
June 5, 1990
* American All was a provider of supplemental social studies and language arts resources—texts, photographs, simulations, guides and music recordings. It provided intensive teacher training for a number of social studies teachers in 1990.
Highlights from the Cerritos Pilot Program
- Hitachi Foundation Grant and Evaluation, 1990, 1995
- Schools and Teachers That Participated in the Pilot Program, 1990
- National Intensive Teacher Training and Orientation Sessions, 1989-93
- National User Survey Report, 2006
- See information on the San Diego Pilot Program, 1989-95
Relevant Links to Navigate our Website
Click here to view the Americans All Program Overview.
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Click here to view or download a tutorial on how to register a school or individual for Americans All, for free.
Click here to register an individual or a school for Americans All.
For additional information, please contact:
Allan Kullen, President
People of America Foundation / Americans All
7723 Groton Road, Bethesda, MD 20817
301-520-8242, [email protected],