Databases for Homeschools

Supplementing the Americans All classroom resources are electronic, high-quality grade-level-specific social studies resource databases to support homeschool instruction. They are organized, alphabetically and by subject matter, to include names of people, places, events and concepts. Embedded in the databases are links to other appropriate information to strengthen learning opportunities and facilitate interdisciplinary connections. We also offer professional development opportunities in social studies for instructors teaching in home environments.

Ultimately, the Homeschool Resource Center will include information from other disciplines to increase its value to homeschool families. In compiling information for homeschools, we search for resources that not only are factually accurate, but also are free from ideas and influences that may not support family values.

Consistent with our philosophy, we leave all content, curriculum and instructional decisions to individual families. 

Correlation to an early version of Seattle's Social Studies Framework for Grades K–12