Proposal for an Americans All Pilot in Charles County
Americans All is a 34-year-old community outreach program run by the nonprofit People of America Foundation that specifically benefits schools and small businesses.
- Schools and students participate in Americans All for free, and schools get ongoing revenue from membership and subscription fees (see graphic on page 2). In addition:
- Our supplemental resources in social studies and language arts, which are not intended to be used independently, can enrich instructional practices, enhance classroom lesson plans and support different learning styles.
- Our storytelling tool can educate students about the contributions of different ethnic and cultural groups and the value they bring to our nation.
- Storytelling brings subject matter alive for students.
- Students improve their research, writing and communication skills.
- Stories impart the knowledge and experiences of past generations and help bring communities together.
- Local businesses and professional service providers can join Americans All for an annual fee, which is paid in two installments of just $49 each. For this fee:
- They receive free Legacy Partner home pages on our website—one for each location and in multiple languages, if desired—to share information about their business or practice. They are listed on our Discounts page to advertise available discounts on their goods and services.
- They receive two free stories—published on our Heritage Honor Roll—to explain who they are and their role in the community when they enroll or renew their membership.
- They support their schools because our Foundation returns 80 percent of all program revenue to their community.
- They gain increased exposure, which will lead to more sales.
Click here to view and or download the complete proposal.