Jim Crow Laws: Louisiana, Maine and Maryland Code, Colored, Constitution, Descendant, Felony, Intermarriage, Legislature, Mulatto, Negro, Nurse, Ordinance, Penal Code, Public Transportation, Railroads, Schools, Segregation, Separate But Equal, Slavery, Statute, Supreme Court, Voting, Waiting Rooms

Jim Crow Laws: Louisiana, Maine and Maryland [The editors of Americans All ] (c.1877 - c.1967) Code, Colored, Constitution, Descendant, Felony, Intermarriage, Legislature, Mulatto, Negro, Nurse, Ordinance, Penal Code, Public Transportation, Railroads, Schools, Segregation, Separate But Equal, Slavery, Statute, Supreme Court, Voting, Waiting Rooms


Background information is provided to put the Jim Crow laws in context and explain how minorities were treated prior to the Civil War. In a few cases, the dates of specific information also have been provided. For most of U.S. history, people of different races have lived on separate streets, gone to separate schools and occupied separate parts of town. In the South, racial segregation was once the law of the land. While the region has made progress toward integration in recent years, most major Southern cities remain segregated today. Two of the top four cities are Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Source

Many of these entries came from an inactive website—www.jimcrowhistory.org—though much of the data previously posted on that website has been reproduced on other websites. To avoid repeating the source of information for these entries, we have added the symbol “#” at the end of each of them. Capitalization of words follows the original usage, and many of the entries have been edited for clarity.

1890:  The legislature passed a "separate railroad cars" law, stating that "no person or persons shall be permitted to occupy seats in coaches, other than the ones assigned to them on account of the race they belong to." The law required railroads to provide "equal but separate" facilities to those different races, but it did not define "race" and left to conductors the job of assigning passengers to the proper cars. Railway companies to provide equal but separate accommodations for white and colored passengers. Penalty: Passengers or conductors not complying with the law subject to a fine of $25 or imprisonment for 20 days. Officers and directors of railway companies that fail to comply guilty of a misdemeanor and could be fined between $100 and $500. Law did not apply to streetcars. Source  

1894: A Statute bars intermarriage between white persons and persons of color. #

1894: A Statute states that depots must provide equal but separate waiting rooms for the white and colored races. Law must be posted in a conspicuous place. Penalty: Persons who insist on entering the improper place may be fined $25 or imprisoned up to 30 days. Agents failing to enforce the law guilty of misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $25 to $50. #

1898: The Constitution establishes free public schools for the white and colored races. #

1902: A Statute provides that all streetcars must provide separate but equal accommodations. Penalty: Passengers or conductors not complying could receive a fine of $25 or imprisonment up to 30 days. A railway company that refused to comply could receive a fine of $100, or imprisonment between 60 days and six months. #

1908: A Statute made it unlawful for whites and blacks to buy and consume alcohol on the same premises. Penalty: Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine between $50 to $500, or imprisonment in the parish prison or jail up to two years. #

1908: A Statute states that concubinage between the Caucasian or white race and any person of the Negro or black race is a felony. Penalty: Imprisonment from one month to one year, with or without hard labor. #

1910: A Statute restates the law passed in 1908, using the words "Persons of the Caucasian and colored races." #

1912: A Statute states that building permits for building Negro houses in white communities, or any portion of a community inhabited principally by white people, and vice versa are prohibited. Penalty: violators fined from $50 to $2,000," and the municipality shall have the right to cause said building to be removed and destroyed." #

1914: A Statute states that all circuses, shows and tent exhibitions required to provide two ticket offices, two ticket sellers and two entrances to the performance, one for each race. #

1918: A Statute provided for the segregation of the races in all municipal, parish and state prisons. #

1921: A Statute prohibited Negro and white families from living in the same dwelling place. #

1921: The Constitution called for separate, free public schools for the education of white and black children between the ages of six and eighteen years. #

1928: A Statute mandated equal but separate accommodations to be provided on all public carriers. #

1932: A State Code outlawed interracial marriages. Nullified interracial marriages if parties went to another jurisdiction where such marriages were legal. Also prohibited Negroes and Indians to marry each other. #

1932: A State Code provides that no person or corporation shall rent a unit in an apartment house or other like structure to a person who is not of the same race as the other occupants. #

1942: A Statute mandates that separate but equal accommodations for the races to be provided in old age homes. #

1945: No person of color can marry a white person. Intermarriage of Indians and colored is prohibited. Source is: LA. CIVIL CODE, Art. 94

1951: A Statute forbids interracial adoptions. #

1951: A Statute declares that cohabitation between whites and black is illegal. Penalty: Up to $1,000, or up to 5 years imprisonment, or both. #

1952: A State Code prohibits marriage between whites and persons of color. Penalty: Up to $1,000 and/or five years imprisonment. #

1954: A Statute was created immediately after the Brown decision amending its Constitution to state that all public and elementary schools would be operated separately for white and black children. Penalty: $500 to $1,000 for not enforcing and imprisonment from three to six months. #

1956: A Statutes stated that firms were prohibited from permitting on their premises any dancing, social functions, entertainments, athletic training, games, sports or contests in which the participants are members of the white and Negro races. #

1956: A Statute revises older laws requiring that common carriers provide separate waiting rooms for white intrastate passengers and for Negro intrastate and interstate passengers. #

1956: A Statue provided that all persons, firms or corporations create separate bathroom facilities for members of the white and Negro races employed by them or permitted to come upon their premises. In addition, separate eating places, rooms and eating and drinking utensils were to be provided for members of the white and Negro races. Penalty: Misdemeanor, $100 to $1,000, 60 days to one year imprisonment. #

1956: A Statue states that all public parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, etc. would be segregated. This provision was made "for the purpose of protecting the public health, morals and the peace and good order in the state and not because of race." #

1957: The Constitution requires that all public schools to be racially segregated. #

1957: A Statute stated that compulsory attendance suspended in school systems where integration ordered; no state funds to non-segregated schools. #

1958: A Statute stated that all human blood to be used in the state of Louisiana for transfusions to be labeled with the word "Caucasian," "Negroid," or "Mongoloid" to clearly indicate the race of the donor. If the blood was not labeled it was not permitted to be used. #

1960: A Statue required that the race of all candidates named on ballots be designated. #



Background information is provided to put the Jim Crow laws in context and explain how minorities were treated prior to the Civil War. In a few cases, the dates of specific information also have been provided. The following is an excerpt from a 2011 interview with Gerald Talbot, former head of the NAACP for Maine and in 1972, he became the first black in Maine to be elected to the House of Representatives. “Maine wasn’t like the south when it came to segregation and discrimination against blacks.

You could get on a trolley or bus. There weren’t sections reserved for whites or blacks,