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An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to create a legacy story for an individual or a group. You may want to print these instructions for future reference.
Use this template to create your honoree’s legacy story in English. Once it is published in the Heritage Honor Roll, use the link under “Actions” on your “Welcome Back” page to “Create a legacy story in an additional language.”
By capturing the text in all fields on this template, our “Search Engine” will make it easier for members to locate your honoree’s story. For the listing in Americans All, please add a hyphen if the “Group Name” or “Nickname” has more than one-word (e.g. Smith-Johnson Band, Three-Tenors, Washington-Nationals). This will enable our “Search Engine” to add the hyphenated words as a single name.
To ensure the legacy stories published on our Heritage Honor Roll do not contain inappropriate language, all text is filtered through a secure, third-party Profanity App. If a word or phrase used in your story is on its “block” list, you will receive an error message at the top of the template when you click on the “Publish My Story” button. If that occurs, replace the word or phrase by using its first and last letters and put an “x” for each letter in between, such as “sxxt” or “fxxk you.”
We can override the App’s list of blocked words. If you believe the “blocked” word is appropriate, contact us by e-mail. Put the word “Profanity” in the subject line. In the body of the e-mail, identify the “blocked word or phrase” and include the sentence in which it is used. If our editorial board agrees that the word or phrase is appropriate, we will remove the word or phrase from the App’s block list and notify you so you can insert the desired word or phrase in your story.
Note: Each time you change your honoree's legacy story or a memorial announcement, you must click on ‶Publish My Story″ or ‶Save My Work.″
Language (Defaults to English for the initial story)
Individual or Group Information*
Legacy Story Text and Summary Text*
Print Version Headlines
Photographs and Logos
Sponsor Information*
Share Your Honoree’s Story with Legacy Partners
Event, Anniversary and Memorial Announcement Tool
Publish My Story or Save My Work
Important Notes:
1. Americans All members will find it easy to start creating their life stories once they have registered as a member. Our template only requires individuals to fill in their name*, date of birth* (or formation if it is a group) and a summary* not to exceed 60 words. Additional story text, hyperlinks and photographs can be added over time.
2. When filling out the “Field/Industry/Profession/Activity” (for a group story) or the “Ethnicity and/or culture, country(ies) of origin of grandparent(s), occupation, achievements, contributions” (for an individual story), insert “key words” that will make it easier for the reader to search for your story.
3. After the first legacy story is created, click on “Create a legacy story in an additional language” on your “Welcome Back” page to begin working on a second story. Members can create as many new stories in foreign languages as they desire. However, a foreign language cannot be used more than one time.
4. Individuals who support a specific cause can also create a free story as a Legacy Partner to enable others to support your cause. A link to create a Legacy Partner page is on your “Welcome Back” page.
5. After each additional story is created and published, a new link will appear on your “Welcome Back” page, so you can modify the story anytime, for free. All previous versions of the story are archived.
6. Individuals will need to complete a separate registration form to get your free, one-year trial subscription to our Social Legacy Network that provides additional benefits. We will not invoice you after the trial period ends to continue your Social Legacy Network subscription without your permission.
Click here to view a "Blueprint" for creating a legacy story for an individual or a group on the Americans All Heritage Honor Roll.
Click here to register for Americans All so you can create and share a legacy story and receive program benefits.
Click here to see stories in multiple languages and formats on our Heritage Honor Roll.