Professional Basketball Proposal

The Americans All Program Proposal for
Professional Basketball

     Our 38-year-old nonprofit foundation was previously a supplier of diversity-based social studies resources and teacher training, but the politicization of K-12 school classrooms today has made that goal almost impossible to achieve. Our education resources remain online.

     We are now a community outreach, hybrid charity that enables nonprofits to raise money by using our revenue-generating, multipurpose storytelling tool, and discount program. Most charities request donations but do very little for their sponsors/members. We are different because we provide an optional storytelling tool, have only one level of giving and two separate components, and do not produce, sell, or send out merchandise. Rather, we offer our members multiple opportunities to benefit themselves and their families when they make their charitable gifts.

     National businesses and professional service providers participate for free, ensuring our members access to discounts in multiple geographic areas. Local merchants pay a fee to a nonprofit of their choice to support their communities. This turns a part of their marketing outreach strategy into a charitable gift. We also enable community members to use our storytelling tool to create free membership organizations and easily accessible annual virtual yearbooks for each group, team, or club they participate in or support.

     Ancestors of all Americans came here from diverse locations, so we all have immigrant roots. These experiences can be shared through stories acknowledging that heritage and culture are rich aspects of personal and group identity. Importantly, our polarized nation needs a vehicle to help reinforce and appreciate the commonalities that unite, rather than divide, the American people, thus promoting understanding, tolerance, and acceptance.

     . Our model is based on CVS’s “CarePass” program. We use the same $4/month fee (paid annually), but to improve its model, we offer a trial period and a much larger base of local and national businesses and professional service providers to get unlimited discounts for one year. Members do not need to create a story to gain discounts.       

     Extensive research confirms that life stories are central to people’s sense of self and the social world. It also asserts that intergenerational knowledge of one’s family history is associated with positive mental health, wholeness, well-being, and a sense of belonging. When people belong, they feel emotionally connected and welcomed.

     Businesses can benefit because stories directly impact emotions, and emotions rather than data change behavior and frequently determine buying decisions. Good storytelling builds trust and connections. It influences people to believe in the products they depend on daily and encourages them to become customers and clients. Most businesses spend about 5 percent of their sales on marketing programs, and our program offers them a way to get a higher return on investment on a fraction of that expenditure.

Benefits to the NBA, G League, and WNBA Teams and Their Members:

  • We are aligned with the missions and goals as described on your three websites.
  • We provide significant annual revenue with minimal administration, which can enable programs such as “NBA Cares” and the various WNBA teams’ grassroots initiatives to become permanently self-supporting.
  • Our multi-lingual storytelling tool helps members build stronger relationships with their public. This can help the leagues increase their fan bases, thus boosting viewership and ratings. This is also especially valuable for members who are less prominent and can help them create new business opportunities and sponsorships.
  • By helping your current and future clients register for Americans All, you provide them an opportunity to earn discounts from local and national businesses and professional service providers.
  • Using the awareness created by implementing the program in your cities and metropolitan areas, nonprofits can take advantage of Americans All to generate much-needed annual revenue from local businesses and professional service providers to support their communities, especially in areas that are often underserved. You will also benefit financially when this happens.

Click here to view the complete proposal.

Click here to view a tutorial on "How to create a nonprofit partner landing page. 

Click here to view a tutorial on "How to create a story on an individual (or group) for the Heritage Honor Roll.

Click here to view a document that shows "Heritage Honor Roll stories in multiple languages."

Click here to learn "How to create the text for a legacy story and storytelling for younger children."

Click here to view information on "How storytelling can benefit a student's positive mental health, wholeness, and well-being.