Z5 Tanacross School
Education Organization
General Delivery
Tanacross, AK 99999
(907) 883-4391
School ID Number: 566658
English version
Z4 Mentasta Lake School
Education Organization
Box 6039
Mentasta Lake, AK 99999
(907) 291-2327
School ID Number: 566657
English version
Z3 Gateway Correspondence
Education Organization
Box 454
Tok, AK 99999
(907) 883-2591
School ID Number: 566656
English version
Z2 Eagle Community School
Education Organization
Box 168
Eagle, AK 99999
(907) 547-2210
School ID Number: 566655
English version
Z1 Dot Lake School
Education Organization
1201 main street
Dot Lake, AK 99999
(907) 882-2663
School ID Number: 566654
English version
asdfsdf dfssd
Bethesda, Maryland 20817

[email protected]
School ID Number: 566644
English version


There are two types of stories that an Americans All member can create--Individual or Group. These two links provide detailed information on how to fill in those templates.

Americans All members will find it easy to start creating their legacy stories. Registration only requires individuals to fill in their name, date of birth, and a summary not to exceed 60 words. Additional story text, hyperlinks, and photographs can be added over time.


7723 Groton Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
[email protected]
School ID Number: 566636
English version