Checkout Complete

Checkout Complete

Now that you have set up your Business Legacy Partner landing page, you can become a free lifetime member of Americans All through your point of contact (poc) and create your story(s) for the Heritage Honor Roll. Since you can create two in English, one could be on your founder and the other can more fully describe the organization itself. Research has shown that businesses benefit from storytelling because stories directly impact emotions, and emotions rather than data change behavior and frequently determine decisions to buy. Good storytelling builds trust and connections. It influences people to believe in the products upon which they depend every day and encourages them to become more active customers and clients.

Your Americans All membership also gives your point of contact a three-month free trial in our Social Legacy Network. This enables you, through your poc to receive discounts on goods and services from other business partners. Partner membership account differs from your business account; the landing page and the story will have different ID Numbers. Since the Heritage Honor Roll is only for individuals, you are joining through your poc contact and he/she can access discounts for your business or practice from other Legacy Partners on your behalf.

We are currently updating the registration process for the Heritage Honor Roll. It was created in 2011. (Think about using a cell phone or computer today that was built in 2011, using the technology of that time.) Because of that inconvenience, we have waived your membership fee for three months and this will help you plan on the most effective way to use Americans All to increase your traffic.

Once the upgrade is completed, using current technology, and security updates, and is compatible with modern software, we will contact you. In the interim, you can decide on which school to support. If there is more than one school in your area, you can make your membership fee (77 percent of which goes to a school) to the school district.

Click on the "My Welcome Back Page" at the top of this page to continue accessing program benefits.