Legacy Partners are families, groups, schools and local, regional and/or national groups, businesses or organizations whose missions reinforce our goals of creating and sharing legacy stories and supporting excellence in social studies instruction.
They participate in our program at no cost because they:
- Generate a home page or home pages (in multiple languages) on our Web site to share information about themselves, better connect with their clients and customers, and demonstrate their commitment to strengthening their community;
- Host, on their home page(s) on our Web site, legacy stories published on our Heritage Honor Roll—created by members of the Americans All program—to provide additional exposure for these stories; and
- Share discounts on goods and services and other benefits with Social Legacy Network members and other Legacy Partners.
Legacy Partners receive a free Gift Coupon for everyone they purchase as a thank-you from our foundation for supporting our mission. They also receive e-newsletters with information on legacy preservation and social studies education as well as life lessons and money-saving tips. Moreover, they can access Americans All logos and marketing templates to communicate the importance of our program to their current and future clients and customers.
Click here to see an example of how your Legacy Partner home page will appear on the Americans All Web site.
Click here to become a point of contact for your Legacy Partner group, business, or organization.
Click here to view information for a family Legacy Partner and its family members.
Click here to recommend a point of contact for your Legacy Partner group, business or organization.