Letter to Rich Paul

August 1, 2024

Mr. Rich Paul, Founder
Klutch Sports Group
9336 Civic Center Drive
Belverly Hills, CA  90210     

Dear Rich,

      Although we have never met (my story), I would like to speak with you about creating a business partnership that will result in you becoming my successor.  We share similar visions. Although your main focus was originally basketball and mine was on ensuring that the history of our nation was taught accurately from multiple perspectives, we have expanded our missions. We both have an entrepreneurial spirit; believe in social responsibility; are passionate about creating opportunities that allow us to give back to our communities; want to help kids, especially those who are underserved succeed, and have learned how to bounce back when things do not go as planned.

     As my partner, we will launch the first national phase of Americans All (see below). When that has been completed, it will have generated the revenue needed to buy me out and I will give you complete control of the program and our 38-year-old foundation. The logic behind this plan is that I have an active and creative 42-year-old mind operating in a healthy, but aging, 82-year-old body. All but one of my developmental partners have sadly passed away and my kids are well entrenched in their careers, thus requiring me to make sure that there is proven leadership to continue the program. This is critical because, in addition to its financial benefits, the ancestors of all Americans came here from diverse locations, so we all have immigrant roots. These experiences can be shared through stories that acknowledge heritage and culture are rich aspects of personal and group identity. Importantly, our polarized nation needs a non-political vehicle to help reinforce and appreciate the commonalities that unite, rather than divide, its citizens, thus promoting understanding, tolerance, and acceptance.

     Americans All was previously a supplier of diversity-based social studies resources and teacher training, but the politicization of K-12 school classrooms today has made that mission almost impossible to achieve. As a result, we modified our mission and created this new initiative. All elements of this revised program have been successfully used on their own, but they have never been combined for maximum effectiveness. We bring experience, expertise, and credibility and you have exposure, outreach, and name recognition. In today's sound-bite environment, what is said is generally less important than who says it.

     We are now a community outreach, hybrid charity that enables nonprofits to raise money by using our revenue-generating, multipurpose storytelling tool, and discount program. They receive 75 percent of our gross revenues. Most charities request donations but do very little for their sponsors/members. We are different because we provide an optional storytelling tool, have only one level of giving and two separate components (one free and one subscription), and do not produce, sell, or send out merchandise. Rather, we offer our members multiple opportunities to benefit themselves and their families when, after a three-month free trial, they subscribe to our discount program.

     We have expanded the “Carepass” model developed by CVS, in which its members pay a $4/month fee (paid annually with no trial period) and receive a $10 in-store or online credit to be used that month. We use the same $4/monthly fee (paid annually and with a three-month trial period), but we offer a much larger base of businesses and professional service providers to get unlimited discounts for one year.

     National businesses and professional service providers participate for free, ensuring our member’s immediate access to discounts in multiple geographic areas. Local merchants pay a fee to a nonprofit of their choice, thus supporting their communities. This turns a part of their marketing outreach strategy into a charitable gift. We also enable community members to use our storytelling tool to create free membership organizations (landing pages) and easily accessible annual virtual yearbooks for each group, team, or club they participate in or support.

     Extensive research confirms that life stories are central to people’s sense of self and social world. It also asserts that intergenerational knowledge of one’s family history is associated with positive mental health, wholeness, well-being, and a sense of belonging. When people belong, they feel emotionally connected and welcomed.

     Businesses can benefit because stories directly impact emotions, and emotions rather than data change behavior and frequently determine buying decisions. Good storytelling builds trust and connections. It influences people to believe in the products they depend upon daily and encourages them to become customers and clients. Most businesses spend about 5 percent of their sales on marketing programs, and our program offers them a way to get a higher return on investment on a fraction of that expenditure.

     I want to start phase one with the players’ associations of the three professional basketball leagues (NBA, WNBA, and G-League) and this can also include supporting community outreach programs such as “NBA Cares.” In this way, we will be able to simultaneously release the program in 30 major metropolitan areas (some will be more active than others). Our multi-lingual storytelling tool and discount program help members build stronger relationships with their public. This can also help the leagues with their community outreach, thus boosting viewership and ratings. In addition, the program can help less prominent members use these funds to create new business opportunities and sponsorships that can grow when they retire. See the chart below for a projection of the revenues for the nonprofit and the new venture for the next three years.

     For more details, please view our Pitch Deck at   www.americansall.org/node/566820. It also contains a link to our Business Plan and additional program components.

     I look forward to hearing from you to answer your questions and discuss how we can make this happen.

Allan Kullen
Cell: 301-520-8242     
[email protected]