Who we are:
Americans All is a hybrid charity that raises money for schools and nonprofits using our multipurpose, revenue-generating storytelling tool.
Program status:
Our 38-year-old nonprofit foundation is ready to implement the program
Issues we address:
The current political environment in our increasingly diverse society is highly polarized and socially segregated, the economic forecast is uncertain, and consumer confidence is low.
Our solution:
Most charities request donations but do little for their sponsors/ members. We are different because we provide an optional storytelling tool, have only one level of giving and two separate components, and do not produce, sell, or send out merchandise. Instead, we offer our members multiple opportunities to benefit themselves and their families when they make their charitable gifts. All students and community members receive a free lifetime membership in Americans All, which enables them to publish stories on our Heritage Honor Roll, and a three-month free trial in our Social Legacy Network, which enables them to access discounts on goods and services from our program partners. High school students keep their free Social Legacy Network memberships until their class graduates. Businesses and professional service providers pay a fee to participate in the program. We donate 77 percent of our gross revenues to nonprofits our members select.
For detailed information on our program, please:
Click here to view our complete Pitch Deck.
Click here to view our Business Plan to implement the Americans All program through the MLBPA.
Click here to view our three-page program highlights document.
Allan Kullen, President ■ Americans All
7723 Groton Road ■ Bethesda, MD 20817
301-520-8242 ■ [email protected]
www.americansall.org ■ www.homeschoolmaterials.org