Registration Information for Americans All
We are a hybrid charity that raises money for schools and education nonprofits using our revenue-generating, multipurpose storytelling tool. Most charities request donations but do very little for their sponsors/members. We are different. We are a hybrid because we provide an optional storytelling tool, have only one level of giving and two separate components, and do not produce, sell, or send out merchandise. Rather, we offer our members multiple opportunities to benefit themselves and their families when they make their charitable gifts.
There are four major roles that Americans All members can have. A person (an individual or a group for which he/she is affiliated), a nonprofit organization, a school or education organization (a specific form of a nonprofit), and a business or professional service provider (and their respective offices and locations). A person can also be an agent (or Point of Contact) for a nonprofit or business member, but they must register separately using that organization's email address.
If a nonprofit provides educational or community service benefits, it can re-enroll as a school using a different email address. For example, a church provides spiritual support for its members. Still, if it offers classes to the public or runs a Sunday School program, it would qualify as an education organization. Therefore, it can receive 77 percent of the Social Legacy Network subscription fees paid by its members, friends, and associates. It can also receive 77 percent of our business's membership fee if it supports your entity.
The nonprofit registration template (also being used for schools during the pilot) has a field called “Categories," which should have had an (*) after the word to indicate it is a required field. A programmer error caused this and needs to be filled in. It is a key field for our search engine. For businesses, it will direct users to our discounts page so they can search for businesses by their category.
When a nonprofit fills out the school registration template, under the “Category” field, scroll down and click “Howard County Schools.” Give all our members the 6-digit ID code for this registration so they can support your entity. Your members can post their stories on both your landing pages and the generic page for your type of nonprofit, thereby gaining greater exposure for their stories.
Americans All members will find it easy to start creating their individual stories. Our template only requires individuals to fill in their names, pertinent dates, and a summary that does not exceed 60 words. Additional story text, hyperlinks, and photographs can be added over time. We have created tutorials to help you create and publish your legacy story. You can update your story anytime, for free; all previous versions are archived.
Below are registration tutorials for each role. A shorter version of each tutorial has been provided for individuals who are used to filling in website templates.
♦ Here are step-by-step instructions on registering for Americans All and creating a Heritage
Honor Roll story for an individual or a group of which the individual is a member.
• A shorter version of how to register and create a legacy story
♦ Here are step-by-step instructions on registering for Americans All as a Point of Contact
for a nonprofit Legacy Partner.
• A shorter version of how to register and create a Nonprofit Legacy Partner landing
♦ Here are step-by-step instructions on how to register for Americans All as a Point of Contact for a school Legacy Partner
• A shorter version of how to register and create a School Legacy Partner landing page
♦ Here are step-by-step instructions on how to register for Americans All to become a Point of Contact for a Business Legacy
• A shorter version of how to register and create a Business Legacy Partner landing page
♦ Step-by-step instructions on how to become a Point of Contact to "Add My Location" to an Americans All Business Legacy
Partner account
• A shorter version of how to register and create an additional Business Legacy Partner landing page
♦ How to register for Americans All as a homeschool family--Currently in development
Click here to view all website tutorials.