
As parents, we have a vested interest in ensuring that our children can participate--and succeed--in our nation’s democracy, economy and workforce.

When the emphasis in education shifted toward STEM topics and testing in other subject areas increased, support and funding for history and civics declined. We must do as much as possible now to ensure all schools and teachers have access to state-approved, grade-level-specific social studies resources to use in classroom instruction. A social studies education develops critical-thinking skills; and teaches students how to evaluate different perspectives, assess the validity of evidence, work in groups and apply facts in decision-making. We cannot allow this important instruction to be diminished.

This is where our foundation's Americans All program comes in. By having a dual focus on legacy preservation and excellence in social studies education, we aim to ensure that our students will continue to champion our nation's long-standing values of diversity, tolerance and inclusion. To do this, we make it possible for all people to have their stories shared, and invest more than half of our membership revenue in education. Moreover, participating schools receive these resources, at no cost.

Your PTA/PTO helps by becoming a Legacy Partner, at no cost. As a Legacy Partner, you receive:

  • A free membership Gift Coupon code for each $49 one purchased. You can either use this coupon code program to generate revenue or pass the savings onto your member families so they can take advantage of our program's benefits at a lower cost
  • Receive as many free home pages on our Web site as you want—in multiple languages, if desired—to describe your activities. More importantly for your school, each student activity can have its own Legacy Partner home page to host the stories created by its students and their families
  • Support students with access to vetted social studies resources--a $500 value--and a meaningful research and writing project, as well as a community outreach opportunity to assist others less skilled in creating their own legacy stories
  • Support teachers with professional development opportunities

Students can create and publish a legacy story on our Web-based Heritage Honor Roll that can:

  • Be housed forever on our Web site and on the home pages of all of our Legacy Partners
  • Contain up to 2,000 words, of which 1,000 can be password protected for privacy
  • Be published in multiple languages
  • Be enhanced with photos, home movies and other media
  • Include links to other Heritage Honor Roll legacy stories, social media and other Web pages
  • Be shortened to print on an 8½” x 11” template to share with family and friends

Families can also upgrade to Social Legacy Network membership for just $4 month (after a free one-year trial period) to:

  • Access our resource databases and new ethnic and cultural texts, photos and songs
  • Use our teaching tools and homework help for K–12 schoolchildren
  • Be automatically enrolled in CollegeSave to earn up to $53,000 in college tuition discounts
  • Access available discounts from program partners
  • Receive e-newsletters with money-saving tips

Click here to learn how to become a Legacy Partner, and also support your school by encourage it to create a free user account so it can take advantage of our program benefits.

Any questions? Please contact Americans All.