Thank you for starting your registration for Americans All

A message has been sent to your email address to create a password for your account. That password (which we do not keep) will complete your registration. To ensure that the integrity of our program is not breached, that email has a link for you to use to get to the "Create your password" page. Like the "Captcha" on your registration page, this is another way for us to block hackers from registering for Americans All. Once your registration is complete, you can begin accessing all program benefits by creating a new tab on your browser and inserting your email address and password to log back into Americans All. That will take you to your customized "Welcome Back" page which contains links to all program benefits and features. 

I want to reinforce our promise not to share or sell any of the contact information you provide during the registration process. Your email address (which you use to log into Americans All) is used by us only to identify your account and your Zip Code enables us to know how many unnamed members we have in each geographic area. The free lifetime membership in Americans All enables you to create stories--in multiple languages, if desired--to be published on our Heritage Honor Roll. 

During this pilot program, your membership in Americans All also includes a free, 3-month trial subscription to our Social Legacy Network. (Students maintain their membership until their class graduates.) This enables you to receive discounts on goods and services from local businesses and professional service providers. Knowing how many unnamed members we have in each geographic area is valuable data for us to share with local businesses to encourage them to participate, and we donate 77 percent of their membership fee to a school of their choice. After the trial period, our members have the option to subscribe to our SLN for $4 per month, cancelable at any time, to continue receiving discounts. Moreover, 77 percent of their gross subscription fee is also donated to a school or education organization they designate. It is anticipated that members will subscribe since they should gain more in discounts than the cost of their subscription.