A free opportunity for families to preserve stories of lost loved ones.
The 35-year-old 501(c)3 People of America Foundation desires a public-private partnership with FEMA to advance the agency’s support for families who have experienced—and continue to experience—personal losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to help with unanticipated funeral expenses, families need an appropriate way to get closure. This is especially true if their loved ones never had a chance to express their feelings and/or say good-bye.
Our Americans All program has repurposed its unique storytelling tool to support these families at no cost to them or FEMA. Written stories celebrating lives—in contrast to oral histories that disappear after two generations—can keep a lost loved one’s legacy alive and allow his or her achievements and contributions to inspire current and future generations.
Stories are published on our web-based Heritage Honor Roll and can contain up to 2,000 words, of which 1,000 can be password protected for privacy. They can contain images, logos, and links to text, music and audio-visual materials. The stories can also be created and published in multiple languages. Easy-to-use templates and tutorials simplify the process.
Students participating in the storytelling will strengthen their research and writing skills, helping to prepare them for success in our nation’s democracy, economy and workforce. Legacy stories can also be hosted on pages of our program partners and appear in our topics index to give them greater exposure and relevance.
What makes Americans All unique is we include historical information to provide context for these stories. In addition, local businesses can join our program for a nominal fee, publishing stories and offering discounts to rebuild their customer base in the wake of the pandemic. We invest 80 percent of our membership revenue in communities that support our program.
Click here to register for Americans All, for free, and begin creating and sharing a legacy story and accessing program benefits.
Click here for a step-by-step tutorial on how to create and publish a legacy story.
Click here to learn how to become a nonprofit program partner, for free, to host legacy stories.
Click here to view, download or print a PDF of the graphic shown below.
For additional information, contact program director Allan Kullen, (301) 520-8242 or [email protected].