Register Coupon

How to Register for Americans All Using a 7-digit free Gift Code from a Business Legacy Partner

1. If you have received a 7-digit Gift Coupon Code for a free lifetime membership in Americans All, you must insert that number when you set up your User Account. If you do not do so, you will forfeit the free membership.

Add My Location to a Business Legacy Partner Account

The membership fee paid by our Business Legacy Partners enables them to link additional store or practice locations to their account using their 6-digit ID Number. Each location must create a separate “User Account” and then click on the “Add My Location to a Business Legacy Partner Account” link on its “Welcome Back” page. There is no cost to register, and each location will have its own Legacy Partner landing page—in multiple languages, if desired—to describe its products and/or services, list available discounts, and better connect with current and prospective customers and clients.

Multiple Languages

The history of our nation is deeply tied to immigration, whether forced or voluntary. Ancestors of all Americans came here from diverse locations, so we all have immigrant roots. These experiences can be shared through legacy stories. Legacy stories acknowledge that heritage and culture are rich aspects of personal and group identity. The actions, accomplishments and contributions recorded in these stories afford future generations knowledge, insight and inspiration.


Dear Congresswomen Bustos,

If we are in agreement that, because of the complexities of today’s political issues: