Register Coupon

How to Register for Americans All to Create a Legacy Story for the Heritage Honor Roll and Receive Other Benefits by using a 7-digit Membership Gift Coupon Code.

1. If you have received a 7-digit Gift Coupon Code for a free lifetime membership in Americans All, you must insert that number when you set up your User Account. If you do not do so, you will forfeit the free membership.


Everybody has a story to share and storytelling brings generations together.
We offer seniors an opportunity to preserve their legacy, so their
invaluable knowledge and lessons learned will not be lost forever.


As parents, we have a vested interest in making sure our children can
and succeedin our nation’s democracy, economy and workforce.

Writing Help

Help with Writing a Legacy Story

Researching and writing a legacy story, and enhancing it with photographs, home movies and other audio and visual recordings, can be a wonderful bonding experience for a family. Best of all, you cannot get it wrong because you are the expert on your life and your achievements.


Dear Head of School:

I want to introduce you to our 31-year-old nonprofit foundation’s unique supplemental language arts and social studies resource program for your students and teachers called Americans All. We have our preapproval from Montgomery County Public Schools for their SSL program.