LegacyStories.org is a comprehensive living history library that provides free legacy-building tools and resources so that everyone can pass down their life lessons and experiences to future generations. We launched our site in 2008 to provide members with the ability to write legacy stories in a multi-media story blog, curate and organize their highest priority legacy photos, and record their oral history.
Members can join or create public or private groups to collaborate and share stories and family history. In fact, LegacyStories.org is the first website to offer its members a way to link their stories to over 12 billion ancestor records in the FamilySearch database, the official family tree of humankind.
Members can use our IOS or Android mobile app to record their oral history. The app takes a picture of the teller—a legacy photo or keepsake—and records the teller’s voice while reminiscing. Only this time, reminiscing with purpose. Recordings are uploaded to the member’s legacy portfolio in their private LegacyStories.org account. Recordings, photos and writings can be discriminately shared with five different audiences.
For professional assistance with all matters legacy from photo digitization to memoir writing, we offer a Legacy Concierge Directory, and provide tutorials to expand your story development skills. Families start a "legacy conversation" with a loved one by using the Legacy Stories Handbook. Inside this 32-page guide includes everything needed to interview loved ones, and record and preserve their legacy stories and more, including legacy questions, letter templates to leave intimate messages to loved one, recording and interviewing tips and a checklist to help identify milestone events and memories.
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We believe that history is a chorus of voices—and we want to make sure everyone has a chance for their voice to be heard!