Pilot Program Nonprofit Legacy Partner

 Pilot Program Nonprofit Legacy Partner

Nonprofit Legacy Partners can create free home page(s) on our Web site—one for each chapter/division and in multiple languages, if desired—to share information about themselves and better connect with current and future members. Nonprofits participate in Americans All at no cost because they host, on their home page(s) on our Web site, legacy stories your members have published on our Heritage Honor Roll to provide further exposure for these stories. Their participation in our program supports social studies education in schools and reinforces your important role in the community.

An individual must be registered with Americans All to become a group or an organization point of contact. There is no cost for an individual to register, and Americans All does not share or publish point-of-contact information.

For continuity, the point of contact should be a permanent member or employee because he or she is the only person who can create a Legacy Partner’s Americans All home page. In addition, he or she is able to manage and update the home page.

Legacy Stories from the Americans All Heritage Honor Roll

We are pleased to host and share these legacy stories created by honorees’ family, friends and associates. They, like us, appreciate that heritage and culture are an integral part of our nation's social fabric and want to help students participate effectively in our nation's economy, workforce and democracy.

Last Name of Individual
First Name of Individual
Group name

Constantine "Connie" Foltis Virginia (December 1, 1929 - June 16, 2011) Russia, Scotland, Greek, Naval Architect, Boatsman

Constantine "Connie" Foltis was born in New York City on December 1, 1929, and died at Bailey Family Center for Caring of Community Hospice in St. Augustine, Florida, on June 16, 2011. Those who knew him at the center would never forget his generosity, talent, laughter, friendship, love, and compassion.

Constantine "Connie" Foltis Virginia (December 1, 1929 - June 16, 2011) Ρωσία, Σκωτία, Έλληνας, Αρχιτέκτονας Ναυτικού, Σκάφος

Ο Κωνσταντίνος (επίσης γνωστός ως Κόνι) Φόλτης γεννήθηκε στη Νέα Υόρκη την 1η Δεκεμβρίου 1929, και απεβίωσε στο Οικογενειακό Κέντρο Φροντίδας Bailey για Κοινοτική Φροντίδα Τέλος Ζωής στην πόλη του Αγίου Αυγουστίνου της Φλόριντα στις 6 Ιουνίου 2011. Όσοι τον γνώριζαν στο κέντρο δεν θα ξεχάσουν ποτέ την του γενναιοδωρία του, το ταλέντο του, το γέλιο του, τη φιλία του, την αγάπη του, και την ευσπλαχνία του.

Allan S. Kullen Maryland (February 20, 1942 - ?) Author, Businessman, Golfer, Inventor, Jewish, Marketing, Mergers-Acquisitions, Poland, Printer, Social Entrepreneur, Traveler

“Her name is Ester Baumgartner. Do you know her? She's a pretty Swiss girl who sings beautifully, and I think she lives near here." Allan had posed the question in a broken mixture of Hebrew and English to whoever would listen and could understand him. Allan had met Ester while on an archaeological dig at Masada in the Negev, Israel. All he knew by the time they parted ways was her name and that she was staying in Tel Aviv.

Marie-Claire Jeanne (Baudin) Miller Maryland (August 25, 1940 - December 20, 2015) French, France

Marie-Claire passed away suddenly of natural causes. She is survived by her husband, Steve, and children, Corinne (Smithen), Valerie (Hochman) and Sandra (Rosenband) and eight grandchildren. Services will be on December 23, Norbeck/Judean Memorial Gardens Chapel.  The family will receive friends on December 23rd  and 24th at the Miller residence.

Marie-Claire Jeanne (Baudin) Miller Maryland (August 25, 1940 - December 20, 2015)

Marie-Claire est décédé subitement de causes naturelles. Elle laisse dans le deuil son mari, Steve, et les enfants, Corinne (Smithen), Valerie (Hochman) et Sandra (Rosenband) et huit petits-enfants. Les services seront le 23 Décembre, Norbeck / judéenne Memorial Gardens Chapelle. La famille recevra parents et amis le 23 et 24 Décembre à la résidence Miller.

Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo California (c.1808 - January 18, 1890) Hispanic, Mexicano-Estadounidense, Veterano, Político, Ranchero

Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo (c.1808–Enero18, 1890) fue uno de los líderes en la lucha de California por ser estado. A lo largo de su vida, fue testigo del gobierno de tres naciones en California. Nacido en una familia acaudalada de Monterrey, California, el octavo de 13 hermanos, ingresó al servicio militar a la edad de 16 años.

Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo California (c.1808 - January 18, 1890) Hispanic, Mexican-American, Veteran, Politician, Rancher

Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo (c.1808–January 18, 1890) was a leader in the struggle for statehood for California. During his lifetime, he witnessed three nations rule California. Born to a wealthy family in Monterey, California, the eighth of 13 children, he entered military service at age 16.